Dr Charles Cassar

Dr. Charles Cassar is a Maltese warranted psychotherapist, licenced to practice Gestalt psychotherapy, Logotherapy and Existential Analysis. He is also a European certified psychotherapist. He is a member of the Executive Committee of EAP (European Association of Psychotherapy), a position he has held since 2000. He was elected as President of the EAP in February 2019 and is the current Vice President/Outgoing President. Dr. Cassar has held the position of President for the Malta Association of Psychotherapists (MAP) from 2000 to 2021 and he is presently the Honorary President of MAP. Dr. Charles Cassar has been the Chairperson of the Psychotherapy Professions Board Malta since the inception of the board in 2018.  Dr. Cassar has held various posts in the aviation and maritime industries, where he worked mostly in management and human resources. Throughout his career, Dr. Cassar held the positions of head of care at Santa Maria Drug Rehabilitation Centre and at YMCA Homeless.