10 Cannabis Harm Reduction Tips

10 Cannabis Harm Reduction Tips

Tip 1
The Safest Way to Use Cannabis is not to use Cannabis at all
Tip 2
Cannabis use under the age of 18 carries added risks for your health, life path and general well being. Delay using cannabis, ideally until you are 21 years old.
Tip 3
Do not use synthetic cannabis products. These products mimic the ‘high’ effect of cannabis but carry far more risks for your physical and mental health
Tip 4
Smoking is a very harmful way to consume any type of drug, including cannabis. Refrain from smoking cannabis and explore less harmful methods such as vaping
Tip 5
If you still choose to smoke cannabis, do not mix it with tobacco in a joint. Tobacco, damages your lungs and increases the risk of developing problematic cannabis use
Tip 6
If you consume cannabis, choose a low potency strain (under 15% THC) and refrain from using cannabis for at least one month before exam period or important life events such as a job interview or competitive sports events
Tip 7
Limit your cannabis to occasional use. Try to limit frequency as much as possible
Tip 8
Do not use cannabis concurrently or within a few hours from consuming other drugs, including alcohol and prescribed medication. Drugs interact with each other thereby increasing the margin of risk for your physical and psychological health
Tip 9
Mind altering substances such as cannabis, alcohol and tobacco carry increased risks for people with biological pre-dispositions or co-morbidities
Tip 10
If not enjoying the effects, why are you persisting in consuming cannabis or any other drug?